OMNA Bodywork

Ola Mai Na'au Ali'i

The Bodywork Ola Mai Na’au Ali’i ® is based on the traditional Hawaiian Bodywork Lomi. It is holistic and process oriented. It fosters regeneration, resources and self-healing. Compassionate presence and awareness create a nurturing and secure environment where change can happen. We can meet problems and pain with acceptance and openness. Energy can flow freely. A space of emptiness and silence emerges. 

Single Sessions with Andrea or/and Susanne:


* 2 h (with oil), 180 €


* 1 h (without oil), 90 €


* 1,5 h (four hands, with oil), 260 €


10+ Card

One more for the Road. 10+ Card for Entrepreneurs.

We take care that you take time for pause and regeneration, that you do not loose joy in your business, that you do not forget, why you do what you do and we support you to look with you at the places, where you forgot...

10 vouchers à 1h + 1 extra / 900 € (+ tax)